Vettä sakeampaa - Thicker Than Water DVD & TRAILER

Story: Robert Niva
Vettä sakeampaa was filmed in autumn 2010 at Vehkajärvi church. Film´s DVD and TRAILER are now ready. Shortfilm is made by film & television students from TAMK University of Applied Sciences. The film tells a story of love, addiction and difficulty of letting go.

DVD´s cover and the film´s poster was created by Petri Saari. "I designed the idea of the poster and dvd-covers together with director Turkka Korkiamäki and producer Robert Niva. We wanted that our visualizations talk more about the film´s theme than it´s religious milieu. After the first meetings where we shared our ideas I made the first sketches. Turkka chose the best ones and here is the final result."

As a film´s producer I´m very satisfied with the dvd covers and the final poster of the film. From the early begin we decided that we would send our film to quite a few film festivals and associates so it´s good to have appropriate dvd covers and posters. Our graphic artists Petri Saari and Heta Tepponen did a very good job.

Vettä sakeampaa - Thicker Than Water starts it´s festival tour from Tampere Film Festival. Screening called KINO TAMK is held in 10th of march at 4 p.m. at Tullikamari. In the same screening will be shown also 11 other shortfilms produced by TAMK.

Check out Vettä sakeampaa - Thicker Than Water Facebook Page. You will find there the film´s trailer and much more.
Vettä sakeampaa @ Facebook
Trailer @ Vimeo
Kino-Tamk @ Tampere Film Festival